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Abschluss DBU-Projekt

Wir haben unser von der DBU gefördertes Projekt "KI-gestütztes System zur digitalen Netzzustandsschätzung - Graice" erfolgreich abgeschlossen und stellen den Abschlussbericht zur Verfügung.
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Bitkom AK Smart Grids – KI

gridhound presents itself under the title "Real-time detection for power distribution networks based on AI technology".
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E-world 2022

gridhound presented a comprehensive portfolio of innovative software solutions and services at E-world 2022.
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Siemens RIE Conference

Our participation in the Siemens RIE - Conference on "Sustainable Energy and Infrastructure" at RWTH Aachen University - with focus on Grid and Building Technologies.
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E-world 2023

We are pleased to announce our participation in E-world 2023. The trade fair will take place in Essen from May 23 to 25, 2023.
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